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Warnings in Chisel are used for deprecating old APIs or semantics for later removal. As a matter of good software practice, Chisel users are encouraged to treat warnings as errors with --warnings-as-errors; however, the coarse-grained nature of this option can be problematic when bumping Chisel which may introduce many warnings. See Warning Configuration below for techniques to help deal with large numbers of warnings.

Warning Configuration

Inspired by -Wconf in Scala, Chisel supports fine-grain control of warning behavior via the CLI options --warn-conf and --warn-conf-file.

Basic Operation

--warn-conf accepts a comma-separated sequence of <filter>:<action> pairs. When a warning is hit in Chisel, the sequence of pairs are checked from left-to-right to see if the filter matches the warning. The action associated with the first matching filter is the one used for the specific warning. If no filters match, then the default behavior is to issue the warning.

--warn-conf can be specified any number of times. Earlier uses of --warn-conf take priority over later ones in the same left-to-right decreasing priority as the filters are checked within a single --warn-conf. As a mental model, the user can pretend that all --warn-conf arguments concatenated together (separated by ,) into a single argument.

Warning Configuration Files

--warn-conf-file accepts a file which contains the same format of <filter>:<action> pairs, separated by newlines. Lines starting with # will be treated as comments and ignored. filters are checked in decreasing priority from top-to-bottom of the file.

A single command-line can contain any number of --warn-conf-file and any number of --warn-conf arguments. The filters from all --warn-conf* arguments will be applied in the same left-to-right decreasing priority order.


The supported filters are:

  • any - matches all warnings
  • id=<integer> - matches warnings with the integer id
  • src=<glob> - matches warnings when <glob> matches the source locator filename where the warning occurs

id and src filters can be combined with &. Any filter can have at most one id and at most one src listed. any cannot be combined with any other filters.


The supported actions are:

  • :s - suppress matching warnings
  • :w - report matching warnings as warnings (default behavior)
  • :e - error on matching warnings


The following example issues a warning when elaborated normally

import circt.stage.ChiselStage.emitSystemVerilog
import chisel3._
class TooWideIndexModule extends RawModule {
val in = IO(Input(Vec(4, UInt(8.W))))
val idx = IO(Input(UInt(8.W))) // This index is wider than necessary
val out = IO(Output(UInt(8.W)))

out := in(idx)
compile(new TooWideIndexModule)
// [warn] 30:12: [W004] Dynamic index with width 8 is too wide for Vec of size 4 (expected index width 2).
// [warn] There were 1 warning(s) during hardware elaboration.

As shown in the warning, this warning is W004 (which can be fixed as described below), we can suppress it with an id filter which will suppress all instances of this warning in the elaboration run.

compile(new TooWideIndexModule, args = Array("--warn-conf", "id=4:s"))

It is generally advisable to make warning suppressions as precise as possible, so we could combine this id filter with a src glob filter for just this file:

compile(new TooWideIndexModule, args = Array("--warn-conf", "id=4&src=**"))

Finally, users are encouraged to treat warnings as errors to the extend possible, so they should always end any warning configuration with any:e to elevate all unmatched warnings to errors:

compile(new TooWideIndexModule, args = Array("--warn-conf", "id=4&src=**,any:e"))
// Or
compile(new TooWideIndexModule, args = Array("--warn-conf", "id=4&src=**", "--warn-conf", "any:e"))
// Or
compile(new TooWideIndexModule, args = Array("--warn-conf", "id=4&src=**", "--warnings-as-errors"))

Warning Glossary

Chisel warnings have a unique identifier number to make them easier to lookup as well as so they can be configured as described above.

[W001] Unsafe UInt cast to ChiselEnum

This warning occurs when casting a UInt to a ChiselEnum when there are values the UInt could take that are not legal states in the enumeration. See the ChiselEnum explanation for more information and how to fix this warning.

Note: This is the only warning that is not currently scheduled for become an error.

[W002] Dynamic bit select too wide

This warning occurs when dynamically indexing a UInt or an SInt with an index that is wider than necessary to address all bits in the indexee. It indicates that some of the high-bits of the index are ignored by the indexing operation. It can be fixed as described in the Cookbook.

[W003] Dynamic bit select too narrow

This warning occurs when dynamically indexing a UInt or an SInt with an index that is to small to address all bits in the indexee. It indicates that some bits of the indexee cannot be reached by the indexing operation. It can be fixed as described in the Cookbook.

[W004] Dynamic index too wide

This warning occurs when dynamically indexing a Vec with an index that is wider than necessary to address all elements of the Vec. It indicates that some of the high-bits of the index are ignored by the indexing operation. It can be fixed as described in the Cookbook.

[W005] Dynamic index too narrow

This warning occurs when dynamically indexing a Vec with an index that is to small to address all elements in the Vec. It indicates that some elements of the Vec cannot be reached by the indexing operation. It can be fixed as described in the Cookbook.

[W006] Extract from Vec of size 0

This warning occurs when indexing a Vec with no elements. It can be fixed by removing the indexing operation for the size zero Vec (perhaps via guarding with an if-else or Option.when).

[W007] Bundle literal value too wide

This warning occurs when creating a Bundle Literal where the literal value for a field is wider than the Bundle field's width. It can be fixed by reducing the width of the literal (perhaps choosing a different value if it is impossible to encode the value in the field's width).

[W008] Return values of asTypeOf will soon be read-only


As of Chisel 7.0.0, this is now an error

This warning indicates that the result of a call to .asTypeOf(_) is being used as the destination for a connection. It can be fixed by instantiating a wire.

For example, given the following:

class MyBundle extends Bundle {
val foo = UInt(8.W)
val bar = UInt(8.W)
val x = 0.U.asTypeOf(new MyBundle) := 123.U

The warning can be fixed by inserting a wire:

class MyBundle extends Bundle {
val foo = UInt(8.W)
val bar = UInt(8.W)
val x = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new MyBundle)) := 123.U